jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Scientists and Inventions

Muerte De Sócrates

En este cuadro se nos muestra la Muerte De Sócrates, en el cual el filósofo es condenado a beber la cicuta, un veneno mortal, tras haber criticado la tiranía de Critias y divulgado la eternidad del alma. Tras estas proclamas se condena a Sócrates a la muerte. Su discípulo Crito le ruega que huya antes de ser ejecutado, pero Sócrates decide dar un gran ejemplo a sus alumnos al aceptar esa pena para demostrar que un filósofo debe afrontar grandes penas a lo largo de su vida. Crito es la persona sentada junto a él con la mano posada en su muslo, para intentar hacerle desistir de su decisión. A su izquierda se encuentra Platón abatido (aunque realmente Platón escribió que no se encontraba allí debido a una enfermedad). También podemos observar cómo Sócrates agarra la copa decidido y cómo el carcelero se arrepiente de ejecutarlo.
La muerte de Sócrates (La Mort de Socrate) es una pintura de 1787, realizada por el artista francés (Jacques-Louis David) y actualmente se encuentra en el Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York.

Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell was born in Britain(25 April 1599) and he probably was one of the most important figures of the England Revolution he was a military leader, later on the king (Charles I) wanted to disolve the parlament so the angry society stood against him and he ended up dead, so Cromwell became the comander of the army and the goverment.

 He created a Republic and also the Commonwealth of England. He also was the conqueror of many territories around United Kingdom, and after that he became even more powerfull so he became a military dictator, at the end he ended up beheaded. He was the precursor of the Republic and one of the first who divided the 3 powers, but he began to want more and more power so he started to take bad decisions and he ended up dead.

 From my point of view he was a very influent person with all of these changes and the division of the 3 powers, but in the other hand he overused his own power and started a military goverment what i think it is bad for a society so in the end he was quite similar to the Jacobins in France, he had very good ideals but the way to obtain hem was bad.
Info: Dates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Cromwell
Main Info ( Class work)